Monday, August 24, 2020

No excuses -- wear a mask!

 Another friend of ours, Dennis M., has lost a half-brother to COVID-19. His mother and brother are trying to recover from it.

My friend from high school, Cyndy, has a son in NYC who recently battled COVID as well. All because his roommate thought it was a good idea to go to a gathering without a mask! Her son was taking precautions -- his roommate did not. Her son suffered because of someone else's thoughtlessness.

COVID-19 is not a hoax nor is it a conspiracy. Real people are dying. America has the highest level of infections and deaths.

When you speak of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, LIFE is first on the list. If you refuse to wear a mask out of some twisted sense of entitlement garnished with false indignation, you are basically saying that you don't give a shit if you're impinging on someone else's right to LIVE.

You don't care enough to do YOUR PART to stop this pandemic and save lives because you're a selfish asshole who cares about nobody but yourself.

With rights come responsibilities -- you don't get to do whatever you want, whenever you want, despite the consequences or harm to other people. Hence, the reason for speed limits, etc.

The promotion of ignorance and anti-intellectualism has led us to this point. The idea in this country that being a willfully ignorant and/or uneducated person is somehow preferred has turned this country into a global embarrassment.

Stop the bullshit. Wear a mask. Social distance. Do your part to quash this pandemic.

NO excuses. Shut the fuck up and do what is necessary.

Monday, August 3, 2020

Why I study forensic psychology and criminology

I've dealt with real monsters in my life, including being sexually abused by one of my ex-stepfathers and victimized by a sociopath in later years as well. I learned a lot from those situations; I refuse to be a victim and cower in the aftermath of events that impacted my life in countless ways. Instead, I will educate myself to avoid it from happening again in the future.

I decided that I was going to study forensic psychology and learn about the behavior and genesis of such behavior in these people. I also used to work in back records in a police dept in the late 90s. Doing so opened my eyes a great deal to the criminal deviance in society.

The psychology of people who commit heinous and despicable crimes offers much opportunity to not only take steps to safeguard oneself as best you can, but also to explore how we, as a society, may be able to safeguard ourselves better from such people in the long run. That is IF we see the signs and act upon them accordingly.

Unfortunately, we are now seeing this type of psychopathy unfold on a large scale. We are now experiencing just how much chaos, pain, and death can be imposed on an entire country when a malignant narcissist and likely psychopath is in charge.