Monday, July 16, 2018

Caution: bumpy political post ahead

Sharing this on my Facebook wall as well:

Folks, I wish I could ignore what's going on with America and just post funny stuff all the time. But the truth is, like so many others, I am alarmed by the things I'm witnessing on a daily basis. I will NOT be silent, ignore, or dismiss it. Because when you do those things, we know what happens, don't we? Refer to Hitler and the Holocaust if you're unsure.

Before I move forward, let's get a few things straight:

To quote my friend Traci D.: " timeline is not a democracy. It is where I post my feelings, funny memes and videos, outrage, encouragement, and anecdotes about my pets. If you don’t agree with something I’ve posted, that’s fine. Keep scrolling."

Yes, this is my Queendom. Not a democracy. I post what I want, when I want, and use the words I want. Your approval is neither asked for nor needed. You are not welcome to tell me what to say, how to say it, to shame me, or guilt me for speaking my mind (especially if you are MALE!).

Don't send me private messages addressing me as 'little lady' or anything of that nature while upbraiding me for using curse words, either. I will fucking scorch your ass (and the area around you) using what my husband terms my 'verbal napalm.'

If my mother(s), father(s), brother(s), and two husband(s) couldn't contain my outspoken and blunt nature, there is ZERO chance you will succeed. So don't even go there. Shut your trap and scroll on by for your own sake.

To be blunt, I DON'T CARE IF YOU AGREE WITH ME. If you do, great; if you don't, so be it. This is my personal space and it's for MY thoughts/opinions/posts. Your approval is NOT needed. Use your own wall (or blog) to post how you feel. That's what it's there for.

If you support Trump, time and hindsight will be your strict teachers and demonstrate how you were on the wrong side of history anyway, so I need only to wait to prove how I was correct and you were not. It's a given.

Now that I've gotten those things out of the way:

My country is not perfect by any means. But it is my home country and I love it. I am NOT OKAY with a foreign power having their hands in our election process and influencing it, and I'm NOT OKAY with a president who treats our allies like shit while giving aid and comfort to Putin and Russia.

And may I remind you that we are NOW talking about TRUMP. Not Hillary, not Obama, not Benghazi, or any of the other talking points used to curve the narrative to other subjects besides the most important one RIGHT NOW, which is the CURRENT TRUMP PRESIDENCY. Hillary lost, Obama is out of office, the Benghazi investigation turned up a Nothing Burger. STAY WITH THE CURRENT ISSUE AT HAND, which is the hydra of evil known as the TRUMP presidency.

I no longer see the GOP as what I used to recognize as the Republican Party. Instead, it's Trump's Party. It's a festering boil fed by too many members engaging in xenophobia, racism, white supremacy, misogyny, and homophobia. I've seen a lot of friends who used to be Republicans leave the GOP and become Libertarians or unaffiliated because they, too, no longer recognize what used to be their own political party. They're not okay with the shady shit that's going on. In other words, they put America before Trump's Party, which is how it should be.

I care too much about this country to remain oblivious, silent, or dismissive of what's going on with 45 and his administration. I will not be one of those people who turns away and pretends not to see the outrageous events that are occurring on a daily basis. So, while I'll still post funny stuff and the usual banter, you can also expect that I won't ignore issues that have a huge impact on this country and my fellow/sister Americans.

You can choose to: ignore what I post, unfollow me, or unfriend me. Do what you must. But in the scheme of things, what YOU do is of little concern to me when compared to the larger, more important issues of how the United States is being torn apart and gutted from the inside by an insidious, traitorous administration, all the while being aided by the GOP, who are inarguably complicit in this entire fiasco.