Saturday, December 30, 2017

[Dream] I expected more from you, Matthew McConaughey

I've had several nights of stranger-than-usual dreams. One night I dreamed I was riding with Matthew McConaughey in his big truck. He was quite the daredevil and never missed a chance to try death-defying driving moves.

Well, he tried to take a running start at a stone wall to try and jump over it, except he missed and I was thrown outside the vehicle and the truck came down and nearly crushed me.

Then he pissed off some guy on the road, so the guy was set on revenge in whatever way he could exact it. He came after MM and anybody associated with him, including me.

I hid in a bathroom and locked the door/tried to secure it as best I could. He somehow squeezed through the bottom part of the door, cornered me, and shot me dead.

So, basically, Matthew McConaughey was a dickhead and I lost my life because of it. By the way, MM sort of reminds me of my first husband in certain ways. So I do like MM – except when he unintentionally gets me killed.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What goes around comes around – sometimes with unfortunate results

Yes, this is long. I hope you'll still indulge me by reading it. I've got to get this out in the open.

That moment when the awful someone gave out for decades slingshots back to them in a harsh and shocking way, and you're not sure how you feel about it. All I feel is sick to my stomach over the entire thing. Why couldn't they have been a better person? Why couldn't they have not manipulated and hurt people? Why couldn't they have not engaged in criminal behavior and cost someone else's life?

In case you've ever wondered why I focus on forensic psychology, and particularly those with ASPD - Antisocial Personality Disorder (sociopathy/psychopathy), it has a lot to do with the person I'm alluding to. I was targeted by this person. I was naive and the perfect victim, in fact. However, due to what I experienced, I am no longer a victim and don't plan on being one ever again (if I have anything to do with it).

I even jokingly told other friends that if anybody ever found me dead, to focus on that person first. Yep, that's how intense this person's obsession/targeting was. It was creepy, unsettling, scary. Even after I cut all ties, this person kept trying to interact with me and threatened/verbally abused me because I wouldn't give in. I deleted/blocked/ignored, but they still found a way to try and insert themselves into my life again.

As much as I'm friendly to people and have friends I care about, I no longer let people get too close to me for a reason. You'll only see so much of what's inside. Sadly, I never fully trust anybody. I always look for ulterior motives – or wonder what people's motives truly are – because of my past experience with the person I'm referring to and because I worked in a police department where I saw the worst side of humanity. Don't be fooled by appearances or the masks people wear.

Let's face it: every person on this earth has some sort of an agenda, however minimal. And yes, I realize how bad that sounds, but once you've been targeted by a person with nefarious intentions, complete trust is a difficult gift to give to anybody.

So, my nerves have been on edge today – and for good reason – but I don't want to be more specific about the situation than I have been here. The dogs have been restless as well, so I have no doubt they've picked up on my nervous energy/anxiety. I'm currently processing a lot of thoughts/feelings.

I knew everything would eventually catch up with the person, but I'm not happy with the results. Instead, I'm sick to my stomach. Even after everything that's happened, I feel sorry for this person. But even more so, I feel more sympathy for their victim(s), one of whom is no longer alive because of this person's actions/involvement.

I'm not great at keeping things inside. Needed to get some of it out. I'll likely write a blog post about the entire tale in the future, but not right now. Not ready yet.

Really hate mindf*ck situations. Don't you?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

You're an individual. Act like it.

Read a post on a Facebook WoW group from a husband who says his wife gets bent out of shape over him playing WoW **SIX HOURS A MONTH**. A meager six hours in a month is hardly ANY time in the context of WoW.

Let me be blunt: you and your significant other/spouse are TWO INDIVIDUALS. You are NOT exactly alike. You likely have SOME hobbies you don't share an enthusiasm for, AND THAT'S OKAY. You're NOT joined at the hip, NOR do you share the same brain/mind. If you were both exactly alike, it would be BORING as hell.

I don't mean to suggest ONLY females who are with males are guilty of demanding their partners limit time engaging in hobbies OR giving up hobbies entirely, but the truth is that I've seen that situation erupt more times than not. Therefore, lemme lay it on the line: it's NOT OKAY to demand that your guy limit or give up his hobbies/interests, especially if YOU are unwilling to do the same (and neither of you should have to in the first place).

And guys, don't expect HER to drop her hobbies/interests to cater to your every need. You can damn sure make a sandwich and cook dinner as well – your arms aren't broken. Ladies, a vagina doesn't mean you're the default cook, okay?

I dunno, maybe it's because I have four brothers and no sisters, but I often think more like a male in certain situations. Even though I may love you and shit, get the hell away from me on occasion so I can be alone and do my thing. Then, things will cycle around again and I'll want to do that cuddle/loving thing again. But first, lemme slay this boss in WoW.