This is a general post and not directed at one specific person. If it was, I'd tag you in it. I keep running into this situation on FB and elsewhere and it's grinding my gears. So, if the shoe fits, wear it. If it doesn't, don't get offended because it's not about you anyway.
Don't explain the obvious to me. I have 55 1/2 years of life experience, 17 years of formal schooling, and an IQ of 135 (which is way past the average of 90 to 100). I promise you that I'm far from being a dolt.
No, I don't know everything and I never will. However, I wasn't born yesterday and I DO have a basic understanding of economics and why this novel virus is BAD for the economy, people who are out of work, companies, the self-employed, etc. All of it. I get it and (shocker!!) I understood it from the beginning.
Thus far, I have refrained from responding, "No shit, Sherlock!" or, "Gee, thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious!", but I might let it slip in the future. Or maybe, "Well, fucking DUH!" might get the point across.
The fact that some of you pointed out things that anybody with a fucking BRAIN and basic understanding of life already know does nothing except annoy me. Because it means you consider me a dunce who hasn't achieved the level of intellect to get past Kindergarten. In fact, I skipped Kindergarten and went straight to the 1st grade.
If I can read about quantum physics and understand it, I can understand the basic shit of everyday life. I've lived it for over five decades, after all. A couple of my family members lost their jobs and had to file for unemployment, so (once again) I get it.
Some of you are missing the points I'm trying to demonstrate with my posts. These points are NOT at the basic level -- they are way beyond that. So please, don't explain the basics. I'm past that, thank you very much.
Don't argue semantics with me, either. Again, you're missing the bigger point and the larger, more critical message. Misdirecting the conversation over semantics is also annoying.
I like most of you, but sometimes you piss me off because you act like I'm uneducated and entirely clueless about real life. That couldn't be farther from the truth. But hey, I've had plenty of people underestimate me my entire life. I love to prove them wrong. I usually do -- even if it takes a while. 

This has been bothering me for the past week, so I had to get it off my chest. You can either take this post as an adult or you can flounce away and be a little bitch. Your choice.