I am a wife, mother, grandmother, gamer, introvert, autodidact, multipotentialite, bibliophile, forensic psychology student, true crime fan, liberal, activist, feminist, and openly secular. I have been a professional freelance writer, author, and editor since 1997. **All opinions solely my own and subject to change**
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Why yes, I do use marijuana for medical purposes. What of it?
In a nutshell, in summer of 2006 I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), PTSD, Dysthymia (dysthymic disorder), and dual depression. I went in for a study on depression and, after running through all the prelims, I was told my problems were too complex for the study. I had no idea. It was an eye-opener for sure!
According to mentalhelp.net, "'Dual' or 'Double' depression is a term used to describe the condition of a person with Dysthymia who also develops a more severe and persistent Major Depressive Episode at the same time. As mentioned previously, dysthymia is a less severe type of depression that involves long-term, chronic symptoms that do not disable, but which do make it difficult to function or feel good. People diagnosed with double depression require aggressive depression treatment not only during the acute Major Depression phase, but also during the chronic low-grade Dysthymia phase that follows in order to try to prevent future occurrences of Major Depressive Episodes. Studies suggest that individuals with double depression often respond well to antidepressants for their Major Depressive Episodes, but that their low-grade dysthymic symptoms may not abate completely. In other words, if you suffer from double depression, medication may relieve your most severe depressive symptoms, but you may not experience periods of feeling completely well."
So yes, I do smoke weed when I have anxiety attacks or feel like I'm about to have a meltdown. Now, I can tell you that I'm proud of myself for accomplishing what I do, given the fact that I've had days when getting out of bed was a major feat. I wouldn't wish all of this on anybody, BUT if you suffer from any of these conditions, take heart that you CAN still function, even though it's difficult at times.
Don't be too hard on yourself (still working on that myself!) and remind people that you DO have these conditions, so people who aren't struggling with them can learn about them and offer you support and assistance. You are capable, strong, and resilient!
Feel free to message me at any time if you need a boost, okay? I've been there and done that. Still fighting it...but winning (or so I believe)! Blessings & love.
Spread inspiration wherever you can
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Welsh dreams...
In the copy of the genealogical papers I have from the family historian on my birth mother's side, my 9th generation ancestors, William Hughes and (Mary) Molly Daten, married in Surrey, England. Molly Daten was born in Wales and lived to be 87. They had six children: Mary Hughes (1748-1810), Susannah Hughes (1767-1834), Rebecca Hughes (1769-Unknown), Elizabeth Hughes (1774-1870), Moses Hughes (1774-1841), and Milburn Hughes (1776-1867).
I have Scottish ancestors as well (Clan Fergusson and Clan MacNeil of Barra), but I haven't spent as much time investigating my Welsh, Irish, and Northern European ancestry.
After having my DNA test done, there are so many parts that make up the whole. I love this stuff!
Perhaps when I go back to the UK, I can visit Wales and see my friends Gareth Tamplin and Robin James Ganderton.
Monday, May 26, 2014
What you should know about me and my blog ;-)
Just a notice: I'm VERY outspoken, tend to be blunt at times, am affable most of the time (but do not suffer fools), and am not a Christian (a lot of my family/friends are, though).
My most potent weapon are my words and my acid tongue when I get riled over something—Paul can attest to that. He calls it verbal (or written) napalm. I also curse at times and, as a typical Sagittarian sun sign (with a Virgo rising and a Gemini moon), it can be an interesting and oft-confusing ride at times. I often open my mouth (or type things out) without thinking that I might inadvertently offend someone.
One rule I have that will not bend is that this is my blog, and thus is my virtual home. This means I say what I want, post what I want, and do not ask for nor require your approval to share unvarnished, raw thoughts or posts here. If you start problems or attack other commenters here, I will delete your comments and you. So keep things nice and polite. Instead of getting butthurt or stirring up shit with me, it's best to ignore my posts for a while, scroll on by, or unfriend me if you're bothered over something I post. I am who I am and, at 49, I'm not changing who I am to avoid making you feel uncomfortable
Here's what you need to know: I'm an ex-Army brat, a professional writer and editor (17 years as of this month), pagan (for 30 years), pro-choice, pro-gay marriage (I have a gay brother and numerous gay friends who are like family to me), independent liberal (and a proud American!), not big on guns (though if you want 'em, I don't want to take 'em away, unless you shouldn't have them for obvious reasons), love swords/daggers/katana/sharp gadgets, intrigued by Samurai, a Japanophile, into Eastern philosophy/social psychology (I minored in philosophy and majored in communication & psychology in college), curous about what causes abnormal behavior (esp. sociopaths/psychopaths), a nocturnal soul, and a paranormal investigator (for 9 years).
Oh, since I'm a professional copy editor, so I do get wigged out over misused apostrophes and misuses of your/you're or there/their, etc. Take it with a grain of salt, though. We all make mistakes; in fact, I make them frequently! Nobody is perfect, after all. ;-)
If you message or email me, I answer as I can. When I'm working or involved in creative projects, I do not answer personal messages or texts until I'm ready. Unless you pay to retain me 24/7, you will have to learn patience *grin* Unless it's bleeding or on fire, or if I'm otherwise engaged, ya gotta wait.
There's more, but that'll give you an idea of who I am and what you should expect. That way if you can't handle who I am, you can run for the hills now! *snicker* Otherwise, I hope you decide to stay so we can have fun and laughs together.
P.S.—I also know I'm verbose *shrugs*
Check out my husband's FB page, Tech and Tools
Excerpt from my new book, Nocturnal Musings: Collected Ponderings, Essays, and Stories
"Any action by man, according to the Tao Te Ching, disrupts the already existent, harmonious ebb-flow of the Universe. Is it possible for man to never exert his will, or to never take action in life and in the Universe? It is not possible. Even being born is an action. How you act and what action you take, however, depends upon the circumstances of the situation and the people involved. What is the prevailing atmosphere? How do you fit in that atmosphere...and what is the 'right' action at the 'right' time? The answer is not static and depends upon each and every situation that presents itself. And every action causes a reaction as well.
Taoism is a philosophical belief system I admire. It is one that proves fascinating and provides more questions than answers in many respects—especially for those of us caught in the dualistic Western mode of thinking. On occasion, something clicks and I understand...but then the more I think I understand, the more I realize it is nebulous and formless; The Way, and the understanding of it, cannot be boxed, labeled, separated out, or explained in words. By doing so, the essence of The Way is lost. And thus is a paradox for us human beings, who use words—both verbal and written—to communicate and understand ideas and concepts."
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Cave of Solitude: Do Not Interrupt!
[New book] Nocturnal Musings: Collected Ponderings, Essays, and Stories

Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Stand in your power—always!
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Friday, May 9, 2014
Have serious/severe paranormal activity? Give us a call. We never charge for our services!
Please note: we do not take all cases. Due to overwhelming demand, we must determine the severity/priority level of a case and schedule investigations based on that criteria. If you are experiencing activity that is causing you, your family, or your business customers/employees discomfort or fear (or you feel threatened), please contact us at scribequill@gmail.com.
Due to the volume of emails we typically receive, you can expect a reply within two business days. You may also call our office voice mail at 719.357.8411. Leave your name and telephone number and a case manager will return your call within two business days.
We have conducted over 100 investigations and *never* charge for our services, nor do we take donations. C.S.P.A. was established in 2005—almost ten years ago. If you have any questions, you can message me privately or drop me an email at the above-listed address.
Bev & Paul Sninchak
C.S.P.A. Team Leads
Thursday, May 1, 2014
[Dreams] Strange words, roller coasters, Michael Jackson reincarnated
NocturnalDivination.com is LIVE!
Please visit my new site & grab a reading from $1 and up. I offer tarot readings, oracle card readings, various astrology charts/reports, rune readings, & handwriting analysis.
A few of my books are available for sale, too. I'll be listing more items in the near future, including art and handmade crocheted/knit items, so be sure to bookmark the site and visit regularly.
Yes, I will still have my Etsy shop, but this site is in addition to that: http://www.nocturnaldivination.com/