Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019. Make it what you want!

For me, 2019 will be more about enjoying experiences instead of stressing myself out over superficial markers or goals that make me resistant to the entire process. If I don't enjoy the process, why bother in the first place? No, I'm going to enjoy 2019 and approach it in a different way than I have many other years. There will be no list, no goal sheet, no set of markers to hit or attain.

For example, instead of setting a goal of reading X number of books this year and trying to hit a set, artificial goal, I'm simply going to read for pleasure without feeling like I'm punching a tote board for something I already intend to do for pleasure/knowledge.

I accomplish more and do better when I don't feel like every single thing I do has to be tied to a marker or 'have to' of some type. In fact, looking back on when I was most productive, it was when I WANTED to do certain things instead of being under the gun or pressure to perform for someone or something else. Therefore, I'm going to be creative and pursue my passions because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to.

If I don't finish writing a book this year, so be it. If I don't plow through 50 books or more this year, so be it. I want to enjoy the process of living, learning, and creating. To savor the journey and not just pass over the experience en route to a destination for the sake of it.

If you're like me, you have enough have-tos in your life already with work and regular life responsibilities. Engaging in hobbies or leisurely activities that bring you comfort and joy should be about that sense of peace, relaxation, and pleasure, which loops us back to cultivating more hygge in my life.

However you decide to shape and design YOUR 2019, I hope the new year delivers you the well-being you seek in whatever form that takes.

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